Sometimes there is a clear path we march along, our heads held high, our goal in sight. But more often we are led down the abstract way where the twists and turns are so jagged that we can't see our way forward. We keep moving along because we have no choice…that is what life asks of us.

As we take each step our journey is fueled by the hope that the answers we seek are up ahead…just around the bend of the abstract way.

Chapter 60-Rodin, Le Baiser

Le Baiser translates to the kiss? I gaze at a bronze casting of Rodin's famous couple whose lips are about to meet. "Ed, you really know how to set up a scene," I say to myself. I look up at the bronze, where the young couple are wound together ready for a passionate embrace, and I smile.
Of course this is where Edward and I will meet…it's absolutely perfect.